Making safe drinking water possible in impossible places.

By 2030, nearly half of the global population will live in severe water stress.1

Euphrates River

Today, more than 800 million people are living without access to a source of safe drinking water. Our purpose is to change that.

Our Mission
“Rainmaker is helping to solve the global water crisis by providing economical, scalable and environmentally sustainable solutions through innovative technology.”

Across the world, fresh water is unevenly distributed. Many regions are desperately under-served, including North Africa, the Middle East, India, Mexico, large portions of South America, and many islands.

Rainmaker’s Water-as-a-Service solutions are:
✔ Versatile
✔ Scalable & Cost-effective
✔ Environmentally & Socially Sustainable
✔ Applying Proprietary Technology

Learn more about our unique position >

Rainmaker has developed industry-leading technology in two categories:

Air-to-Water (AW) – Harvests fresh water from airborne humidity.
Water-to-Water (WW) – Transforms contaminated water (saltwater, sewage, polluted) into safe, clean water.

Because of the operating efficiency of our technologies, we can provide customers with clean water at a cost competitive with – or better than – traditional alternatives. The compact and scalable systems for both AW and WW enable decentralized deployment, in which water is distributed directly to the consumption site with no expensive piping or truck transport. AW and WW are both cost-effective and can be powered by solar, wind, or grid electricity, or a combination, and can produce up to 150,000 liters of water per unit, per day.

Learn more about Air-to-Water >
Learn more about Water-to-Water >

Air-to-Water generation.
The right scale, capacity, and cost.

Rainmaker’s Air-to-Water technologies provide communities with local, sustainable and affordable access to clean water.

Learn more ›

Water-to-Water generation.
An ocean of opportunity.

Rainmaker’s Water-to-Water technologies are more cost-effective and appropriately scaled than traditional desalination plants.

Learn more ›


1. OECD (2008), OECD Environmental Outlook to 2030, OECD Publishing, Paris. Retrieved from: